


CPTransition applied transdisciplinary research

CPTransition aims to complement the “basic transdisciplinary research” projects and initiatives of LPTransition with a small set of more applied transdisciplinary researchers emerging from demands of local societal actors.

CPTransition is structured as a participatory research and training association which aims to promote sustainable development in all its facets The association strives to achieve this objective through several concrete activities, such as:

  • Participatory research activities: research carried out in co-production by researchers and societal actors, from design to implementation and debate in the public space (co-construction workshops, community surveys, etc.)
  • Studies: investigations, research or long-term reflections, on a specific theme
  • Dissemination, awareness-raising and training: information and communication campaigns, development of educational tools and training of facilitators/trainers
  • Arts and science activities: events co-produced by scientific researchers and artists (installations, transdisciplinary arts, etc.)

The activities organized by the association are open and pluralistic. They address all societal and political visions, as well as all philosophical and religious conceptions. In line with its role in facilitating ecological and social transition processes with all stakeholders in society, the association ensures that it maintains in all its activities this fundamental option of openness, pluralism and social inclusion.

Research projects
Quality of life of farmers

Participatory study on the quality of life of farmer and forestry business in Genappe (2023) < report in French

Regional food system

Participatory study aimed at identifying levers and opportunities for developing demand for local products in Genappe and in the regional agri-food system (2024)

In Genappe, the city’s Agriculture Commission and the department “transition and participation” have initiated a process of reflection with all stakeholders on the future of the agri-food system in the municipal and regional territory. A first report resulting from a survey and a series of workshops with farmers confirmed the interest of producers in diversifying the offer for the local market – which has also been well documented in other studies. More recently, the participatory budget of Genappe decided to fund a survey and a set of participatory workshops at identifying levers and opportunities for developing the demand for local products. These workshop gather regional experts and the different professionals and intermediaries of the regional food system (restaurants, catering, school kitchens, grocery stores, etc.).

Workshop 1 : co-constructed regional transition scenarios

Wednesday 12th of June, 19h-21h30. Municipality of Genappe (Espace 2000).

< presentation of the workshop methodology in French

Workshop 2 : co-constructed implementation pathways

Date to be confirmed. 19h-21h30. Municipality of Genappe (Espace 2000).