

Structure & governance

LPTransition, as a platform for partnership research, has a mixed membership, composed of university and non-university members.
  • The core team is composed of university researchers from UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve.
  • The broader team: is also composed of researchers from other universities who are collaborating with LPTransition and interested in launching similar research platforms at their home university in the medium term.
  • Non-university members are mainly social actors that are involved in research projects of the members, but membership is also open to more long term institutional partners of the platform.

The list of members is updated on a regular basis

The platform is co-directed by Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Olivier De Schutter, both researcher at the Centre for Philosophy of Law of the UCLouvain. The secretariat of the platform is hosted at the BIOGOV research unit of the Centre for Philosophy of Law.

Non-university membership is open to a range of stakeholder communities organized in three core groups (public sector organisations, civil society and enterprises) and is revisited on a yearly basis, at the yearly Forum co-creation (last edition on 16 May 2023). The civil society sub-group is co-directed by LPTransition and Associations 21.

The aim is to keep the membership flexible, in function of the needs of the thematic focus and the ongoing research partnerships within the platform LPTransition.