


Tom Dedeurwaerdere


Tom Dedeurwaerdere is professor of philosophy of science and theory of governance at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Legal Sciences (JUR-I) of the Université catholique de Louvain.

He is co-director of the LPTransition platform

He is director of the LPTransition supporting research unit on SST analysis of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research for societal transformations.

Contact: tom.dedeurwaerdere (at) uclouvain.be

Curriculum Vitae

Download Publications

  • Books (3 open access books available for download in pdf)
  • Articles (all articles available for download in pdf)


Dedeurwaerdere, T. (Eds). 2024.
Transdisciplinary Research, Sustainability and Social Transformation: Governance and Knowledge Co-production.
Abingdon: Routledge, 196 p.
(-> download book pdf file available in open access)

De Schutter, O. and Dedeurwaerdere, T. (Eds). 2022.
L’État partenaire. Transition écologique et sociale et innovation citoyenne.
Presses universitaires de Louvain, 325 p.
(PDF available in open access)

De Schutter, O. and Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2022.
Social Innovation in the Service of Social and Ecological Transformation. The Rise of the Enabling State.
Routledge, 150 p.

Reichman J., Uhlir P. and Dedeurwaerdere T. 2016.
Governing Digitally Integrated Genetic Resources, Data, and Literature. Global Intellectual Property Strategies for a Redesigned Microbial Research Commons.
Cambridge University Press, 678 p.
(Online ISBN: 9781139128957 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139128957)

Coolsaet, B., Batur, F., Broggiato, A., Pitseys, J. and Dedeurwaerdere, T. (eds). 2015.
Implementing the Nagoya Protocol. Comparing Access and Benefit-Sharing Regimes in Europe.
Leiden/Boston: Brill-Nijhof: Legal Studies on Access and Benefit-sharing – Vol.3, 410 p.

Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2014.
Sustainability Science for Strong Sustainability.
Edward Elgar, 167 p.
See detailed Table of Contents.
All chapters available in Open Access.

Nunes, P., Kumar, P., and Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2014.
Handbook on the economics of ecosystem services and biodiversity.
Edward Elgar, 577 p.

Brousseau, E., Dedeurwaerdere, T., Jouvet, P.-A., and Willinger, M. (eds). 2012.
Global Environmental Commons : Analytical and Political Challenges in Building Governance Mechanisms.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 464 p.

Brousseau, E., T. Dedeurwaerdere, and B. Siebenhüner (eds). 2012.
Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods,
Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 376 p.

Tom Dedeurwaerdere. 2002. “Action et Contexte. Du tournant cognitiviste à la phénoménologie transcendantale“, Hildesheim/Zürich/New-York, Olms, 237 P.


Articles in peer reviewed journals and chapters in collective volumes

Cossey, J., Dedeurwaerdere, T., and Périlleux, A. 2023. “Inherently unstable? Scaling, mission drift, and the comparative performance of community-based platforms in the sharing economy“, Ecological Economics, 212 (2023) 107927.

Da Costa, I., Bui, S., De Schutter, O., and Dedeurwaerdere, T. (2022). “A network perspective to niche-regime interactions and learning at the regime level“. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 43, pp. 62-79

De Schutter, O. and Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2020. “Vers un État partenaire. Soutenir les innovations sociales citoyennes pour une transition juste“, in A. Bailleux (dir.), Le droit en transition. Les clés juridiques d’une prospérité sans croissance. Bruxelles : Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis, 2020, pp. 481-518.

Melindi-Ghidi, P., Dedeurwaerdere, T., and Fabbri, G. 2020. “Using environmental knowledge brokers to promote deep green agrienvironment Measures“, Ecological Economics, 176 (2020) 106722.

Fornara et al. 2020. “The extended Value-Belief-Norm theory predicts committed action for nature and biodiversity in Europe“, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Vol 81, March 2020.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., Popa, F., Guillermin, M. and Herrero, P. 2019. “Vers une transdisciplinarité réflexive. Intégrer la réflexivité sur les valeurs et les capacités de coconstruction dans la recherche partenariale“. In Klein, J.-L., Boucher, J.-L., Camus, A., Champagne, C. and Noiseux, Y. (Dir.) Trajectoires d’Innovation. Des émergences à la reconnaissance. Québec: PUC, 2019, pp. 305-316.

Lambert, L., Dedeurwaerdere, T., Nyssens, M., Severi, E., Brolis, O. 2019. “Unpacking the organisational diversity within the collaborative economy: The contribution of an analytical framework from social enterprise theory“, Ecological Economics 164 (2019) 106343. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.05.023

Hannachi, M. and Dedeurwaerdere , T. 2019. “Des semences en commun pour gérer les maladies. Etude comparative de rizières dans le Yuangyuang (Chine)“. Etudes Rurales 202 : 76–97.

Dedeurwaerdere, T. and Hannachi, M. 2019. “Socio-economic drivers of coexistence of landraces and modern crop varieties in agro-biodiversity rich Yunnan rice fields“. Ecomical Ecologics 159 (2019): 177–188.

Bui, S., Costa, I., De Schutter, O., Dedeurwaerdere, T. Hudon, M. and Feyereisen, M. 2019. “Systemic ethics and inclusive governance: two key prerequisites for sustainability transitions of agri-food systems“. Agriculture and Human Values, Symposium/Special issue, 1–12 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-019-09917-2

Molinario, E. et al. 2019. “Motivations to Act for the Protection of Nature Biodiversity and the Environment: A Matter of ‘Significance’ “, Environment and Behaviour 1–31, SAGE. DOI 10.1177/0013916518824376

Herrero, P., Dedeurwaerdere, T. and Osinski, A. 2018. “Design features for social learning in transformative transdisciplinary research“. Sustainability Science Vol.15.2: 1-19 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-018-0641-7

Scopelliti, M. et al. 2018. “What makes you a ‘hero’ for nature? Socio-psychological profiling of leaders committed to nature and biodiversity protection across seven EU countries“, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI 10.1080/09640568.2017.1421526.

Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2017.”From ecological psychology to four varieties of post-positivism in transdisciplinary science. Environmental Systems and Decisions“. Published on line on 2nd of November 2017, T. Environ Syst Decis (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10669-017-9663-4

Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2017. “Biens communs microbiens de recherche“. In Marie Cornu, Fabienne Orsi & Judith Rochfeld (eds.), Dictionnaire des biens communs, Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 111-113.

Dedeurwaerdere,T., Melindi-Ghidi, P., and Sas, W. 2017. “Networked innovation and coalition formation: the effect of group-based social preferences“. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Routledge, pp.1–17, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2017.1378163

Dedeurwaerdere , T. and Six, B. 2017. “Toward a Broadened Ethical Pluralism in Environmental Ethics: From Bryan Norton’s Discursive Ethics to William James’ experiential Pluralism“. Environmental Ethics Winter 2016, 38.4 issue: 387-402 .

Dedeurwaerdere, T., et al. 2017.”The governance features of social enterprise and social network activities of collective food buying groups“. Ecological Economics 140: 123–135.

Dedeurwaerdere et al. 2016. “Combining internal and external motivations in multi-actor governance arrangements for biodiversity and ecosystem services“. Environmental Science & Policy, 58 (2016) 1–10.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., Melindi-Ghidi, P. and Broggiato, A. 2016. “Global scientific research commons under the Nagoya Protocol: Towards a collaborative economy model for the sharing of basic research assets“. Environmental Science & Policy, 55 (2016): 1–10. (Open Access)

Dedeurwaerdere, T., Polard, A., Melindi-Ghidi, P. 2015. “The role of network bridging organisations in compensation payments for agri-environmental services under the EU Common Agricultural Policy“. Ecological Economics, 119: 24–38. (Open Access)

Popa, F., Guillermin, M., Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2015. “A pragmatist approach to transdisciplinarity in sustainability research: From complex systems theory to reflexive science“. Futures 2015 (65):45–56 (Open Access).

von Kries, C., Broggiato, A., Dedeurwaerdere, T., and Winter, G. 2015. “Micro B3 model agreement on access to marine microorganisms and benefit-sharing. Text and commentary“. In Chege Kamau, E., Stoll, P.-T., and Winter, G.(eds.) Research and Development on Genetic Resources. Public Domain Approaches in Implementing the Nagoya Protocol. Routledge: 330–362.

Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2015. “Reflexive Governance“. In Morin J.-F., Orsini, A. (eds.). Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance. Routledge: 169–170.

Kyrpides NC, Hugenholtz P, Eisen JA, Woyke T, Göker M, et al. 2014. “Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea: Sequencing a Myriad of Type Strains.” PLoS Biol 12(8) (Open Access).

Batur, F., Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2014. “The use of agrobiodiversity for plant improvement and the intellectual property paradigm: institutional fit and legal tools for mass selection, conventional and molecular plant breeding“. Life Sciences, Society & Policy 10:14.doi:10.1186/s40504-014-0014-7. (Open Access)

Coolsaet, B., Dedeurwaerdere, T., and Pitseys, J. 2013, “The Challenges for Implementing the Nagoya Protocol in a Multi-Level Governance Context: Lessons from the Belgian Case“, Resources 2013(2): 555-580. (Open Access)

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2013, “Transdisciplinary sustainability science at higher education institutions: science policy tools for incremental institutional change“, MDPI/Sustainability 2013(5): 3783-3801. (Open Access)

Stromberg P. M. , Dedeurwaerdere T., Pascual U. 2013. “The heterogeneity of public ex situ collections of microorganisms: Empirical evidence about conservation practices, industry spillovers and public goods“, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 33, November 2013, Pages 19-27, ISSN 1462-9011, 10.1016/j.envsci.2013.04.003.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., Broggiato, A., and Manou, D. 2013. “Global scientific research commons under the Nagoya Protocol: governing pools of microbial genetic resources“, in E. Kamau and G. Winter (eds.), Common Pools of Genetic Resources: Equity and Innovation in International Biodiversity Law, Earthscan-Routledge, 224-245.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2012, “Design principles of successful genetic resource commons for food and agriculture“, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 26(3): 31–46.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., Broggiato, A., Louafi, S., Welch, E. and Batur, F. 2012. “Governing Global Scientific Research Commons under the Nagoya Protocol“, in E. Morgera, M. Buck and E. Tsioumani (eds.), The 2010 Nagoya Protocol in Perspective: Implications for International Law and Implementation Challenges, Brill/Martinus Nijhoff. pp.389–421.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2012, “Democratic governance and reflexive modernization of the internet, in Brousseau, E., Marzouki, M. and Meadel, C. (ed.) Governance, Regulations and Powers on the Internet, Cambridge University Press, 151–169.

Brousseau, E., and Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2012,”Global Public Goods: the Participatory Governance Challenges“. In Brousseau, E., T. Dedeurwaerdere, and B. Siebenhüner (Eds.) Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 21–36.

Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2012, “Institutionalizing global genetic resource commons for food and agriculture“. In Halewood, M., Lopez Noriega, I. and Louafi, S., 2012, Crop Genetic Resources as a Global commons. Challenges in International Law and Governance. Routledge, 369–391.

Brousseau, E., Dedeurwaerdere, T., Jouvet P.-A., and Willinger M., 2012, “Introduction: Global Environmental Commons: Analytical and Political Challenges in Building Governance Mechanisms“. In Brousseau, E., Dedeurwaerdere, T., Jouvet P.-A., Willinger M., ed. Global Environmental Commons: Analytical and Political Challenges in Building Governance Mechanisms. Oxford University Press, 1-27.

Brousseau, E., Dedeurwaerdere, T., and Siebenhüner, B., 2012,”Knowledge Matters: Institutional Frameworks to Govern the Provision of Global Public Goods“. In Brousseau, E., T. Dedeurwaerdere, and B. Siebenhüner (Eds.) Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 243–282.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2012, “Social Learning in the Governance of Forest Ecosystem Services“. In Brousseau, E., T. Dedeurwaerdere, and B. Siebenhüner, ed. Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 205-223.

Dedeurwaerdere T., Stromberg, P. M. and Pascual, U. 2012, “Social Motivations and Incentives in Ex Situ Conservation of Microbial Genetic Resources“, in Dulong de Rosnay, M. and De Martin, J-C.(eds). The Digital Public Domain: Foundations for an Open Culture. Cambridge (UK): OpenBook Publishers, 111–124. (open access: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0)

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2011, “Microbial Commons: Overview of the Governance Considerations – A Framework for Discussion“, in Uhlir, P. (ed), Designing the Microbial Research Commons: Proceedings of an International Workshop. National Research Council of the National Academies, Washington D.C.: The National Academies Press, 169–175.

Weiland, S., and Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2010, “Change in forest governance in developing countries – in search of sustainable governance arrangements“, International Journal of the Commons 4(2): 683–686. (open access : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0)

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2010, “Global microbial commons: institutional challenges for the global exchange and distribution of microorganisms in the life sciences“, Research in Microbiology. 161(6): 414-421.

Frison, C., and Dedeurwaerdere, T.,and Halewood, M. 2010, “Intellectual Property and Facilitated Access to Genetic Resources under the Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture“. European Intellectual Property Review, 2010, Issue 1: 1-8.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2010, “Self-governance and international regulation of the global microbial commons.” Introduction to the special issue on the microbial commons. International Journal of the Commons. Vol. 4(1): 390-403. (open access : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0)

Dijkshoorn, L., De Vos, P., and Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2010, “Understanding patterns of use and scientific opportunities in the emerging global microbial commons“, Research in Microbiology 161(6): 407-413.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2010, “The contribution of network governance to overcoming frame conflicts: enabling social learning and building reflexive abilities in biodiversity governance.” In O. De Schutter and J. Lenoble (eds). Reflexive Governance: Redifining the public interest in a pluralistic world, Oxford: Hart Publishing Ltd., pp. 179-200.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2009, “Social Learning as a Basis for Cooperative Small-Scale Forest Management“. Small-scale Forestry 8: 193-209.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2009, “The role of law, institutions and governance processes in facilitating access to genomics research“, in Gene Patents and Clearing Models. From Concepts to Cases, ed. G. Van Overwalle, Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press: 365-380.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2008, “Le naturalisme en philosophie de l’esprit et la critique du fonctionnalisme“, in D. Vanderveken and D. Fisette. Actions, rationalité et décision. Action, Rationality and Decision, London: College Publications, 203-230.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., Krishna, V., and Pascual, U., 2007,”An evolutionary institutional approach to the economics of bioprospecting“. In A. Kontoleon and U. Pascual (eds), Biodiversity Economics. Principles, Methods and Applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007, pp. 417-445.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2007, “The contribution of network governance to sustainability impact assessment“. In Toyer, S. and Martimort-Asso, B. (eds), Participation for sustainability in Trade. Ashgate, Hampshire, 2007, pp. 209-228.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2007, “The Institutional Dynamics of Sharing Biological Information: Towards Reflexive Governance of the Information Society“, in Goujon, P., Lavelle, S., Duquenoy, P., Kimppa, K., Laurent, V. (eds), The Information Society : Innovation, Legitimacy, Ethics and Democracy, Springer, 2007, pp. 121-146

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2007, “Théories de la gouvernance et société de l’information“, in Ph. Goujon, S. Lavelle, B. Six and V. Dumont, Technique, Communication et Société, Presses Universitaires de Namur, 2007, XIII-XX.

Dawyndt, P., Dedeurwaerdere, T., and Swings, J., 2006, “Exploring the microbiological commons. Contributions of bioinformatics and intellectual property rights in sharing biological information“. Special issue on the microbiological commons, International Social Science Journal, 2006, vol. 188: 249-258. (see French and Chinese publications here).

Heide-Mairie D., Himmelreich , U., and Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2006, “Integrating different windows on reality: socio-economic and institutional challenges for culture collections”, International Social Science Journal, 2006, vol. 188: 368-380.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2006, “The Institutional Economics of Sharing Biological Information”, International Social Science Journal, 2006, vol. 188: 351-368. (see French and Chinese publications here).

Cook-Deegan, R., and Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2006, “The Science Commons in Life Science Research: Structure, Function, and Value of Access to Genetic Diversity”, in International Social Science Journal, 2006, vol. 188: 299-318. (see French and Chinese publications here).

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2006, “Databases, Biological Information and Collective Action“, in Berleur, J., I, Nurminen M. and Impagliazzo, J., Social Informatics Society for All? In Remembrance of Rob Kling, Springer, 2006, pp. 159-169.

Siebenhüner, B., Dedeurwaerdere, T., and Brousseau, E. 2005, “Introduction and overview to the special issue on biodiversity conservation, access and benefit-sharing and traditional knowledge“, Ecological Economics , 53 (4) , June 2005, pp. 439-444.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2005, “From Bioprospecting to Reflexive Governance”, in Ecological Economics, 53 (4), June 2005, pp. 473-491.

Dedeurwaerdere, T. 2005. “The Contribution of Network Governance to Sustainable Development” – Les séminaires de l’ IDDRI, n°13.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2004, “Bioprospection, intellectual property law and evolutionary economics: the stake of a theory of reflexive governance”, in M. Watanabe et alii (eds.), Innovative Roles of Biological Resources Centers, World Federation For Culture Collections, Tsukuba, pp. 389-395.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2003, “Structure d’éveil et pouvoir d’interférence pratique dans la phénoménologie génétique”, in Godddart, J.Ch. and Maesschalck, M., Fichte, La philosophie de la maturité, Paris: Vrin, pp. 253-270.

Maesschalck , M., and Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2003, “Ist eine Kultur des Lebens möglich?” in S. Nowotny et M. Staudigl (eds.), Grenzen des Kulturkonzepts. Meta-Genealogien, Verlag Turia/Kant, 2003, pp. 187-207.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., and Maesschalck, M., 2002, “Autorégulation, éthique procédurale et gouvernance de la société de l’information“, in Berleur, J., Lazaro C. and Queck, R. (dir.) Gouvernance de la société de l’information, Bruylant / Presses Universitaires de Namur, Les Cahiers du CRID n°22, pp. 77-108.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2002, “Ethics and learning. From State Regulation towards Reflexive Self-Regulation of the Information Society”. In K. Brunnstein et J. Berleur (eds.), Human Choice and Computers, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 121-130.

Maesschalck , M., and Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2002, “Procéduralisation des normes, téléorégulation et gouvernance de l’Internet”, in Les Cahiers du Numérique, Vol.3(2), 2002, pp. 55-77.

Feltz, B., Crommelinck, M. and Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2000, “Introduction. Vers une science de la conscience? Approches scientifiques, épistémologiques, anthropologiques“, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, Vol. 98(4): 655-658.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 2000, “Le renversement cognitiviste et les théories de la conscienceRevue Philosophique de Louvain Vol. 98(4): 732-760.

Dedeurwaerdere, T., 1997, “Neural Networks and the Brain : Associative Learning and/or Self-organisation?”, in D. Dubois (éd.), Proceedings of the first international conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol.1, Liège, Chaos, Casus 97 , Symposium V, pp.32-34 (pp. 170-179 of the volume)

Dedeurwaerdere, T., Casas-Vázquez, J., Jou D., and Lebon, G., 1996, Foundations and applications of a mesoscopic thermodynamic theory of fast phenomena”, Physical Review E., vol. 53(1): 498–506